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幼女强奸 全球AI换脸色情东说念主物超一半是韩国东说念主

时间:2024-09-25 21:13:38 点击:94 次

幼女强奸 全球AI换脸色情东说念主物超一半是韩国东说念主



  1. Why has public awareness of the AI-generated fake nudes issue increased recently in South Korea?

  A) The government launched a national campaign.

  B) A popular celebrity spoke out against it.

  C) A police investigation revealed the existence of a large Telegram group chat.

  D) A new law was passed to combat the issue.

  2. What is suggested by the fact that communication in the Telegram group chats was conducted almost exclusively in Korean?

  A) The problem is largely an international issue.

  B) The majority of the perpetrators are likely South Korean.

  C) The victims are mostly from other countries.


D) The content is being exported to other regions.


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  'Anyone Can Be a Victim':SprawlingAI Fake Nudes Crisis Hits South Korea

  From: The Wall Street Journal

  The victims were reportedly teachers, military officers, undergraduates and elementary-school students. Across alabyrinthof Telegram group chats,anonymoususers submitted photos of South Korean girls and women without their permission that weremanipulatedinto sexuallyexplicitimages and videos viewed by hundreds of thousands.



  sprawling /ˈsprɔː.lɪŋ/暗示“彭胀的;芜杂无序伸展的”,英文诠释注解为“spreading in an untidy way”如:a modern sprawling town 一座芜杂无序拓展的当代城镇。

  sprawl /sprɔːl/ 作动词,1)暗示“(散逸地)摊开算作坐(或躺)”,英文诠释注解为“to spread the arms and legs out carelessly and untidily while sitting or lying down”举个🌰:I knocked into her in the corridor and sent her sprawling (= knocked her over). 我在走廊里和她迎头相撞,把她撞了个四脚朝天。

  2)暗示“(尤指城市)芜杂无序地扩展,狼藉地蔓延”,英文诠释注解为“(especially of a city) to cover a large area of land with buildings that have been added at different times so that it looks untidy”举个🌰:The refugee camps sprawl across the landscape. 目下芜杂地洒落着很多苍生营。


  labyrinth /ˈlæb.ə.rɪnθ/ 1)暗示“迷宫;曲径”,英文诠释注解为“a confusing set of connecting passages or paths in which it is easy to get lost”举个🌰:Finally, through a labyrinth of corridors she found his office. 穿行过迷宫般的走廊后,她最终找到了他的办公室。

  2)暗示“令东说念主诱惑的东西,迷宫雷同的东西”,英文诠释注解为“something that is very confusing”举个🌰:He was no stranger to the labyrinth of love. 他经常为情所困。


  anonymous /əˈnɒn.ɪ.məs/ 1)暗示“匿名的”,英文诠释注解为“If you remain anonymous when you do something, you do not let people know that you were the person who did it.”举个🌰:An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money. 一位匿名捐助东说念主参与进来提供了奖金。

  2)暗示“不记名的”,英文诠释注解为“Something that is anonymous does not reveal who you are.”举个🌰:Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote. 诚然,那得是通过不记名投票。

  3)暗示“莫得脾性的”,英文诠释注解为“without any unusual or interesting features”,如:long stretches of dull and anonymous countryside 大片大片千人一面、败兴平常的乡村,举个🌰:He has a rather anonymous face. 他样貌平平。


  manipulate /məˈnɪp.jə.leɪt/ 1)暗示“主宰,收尾”,英文诠释注解为“to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly”举个🌰:Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media. 她在通盘办事糊口中格外告捷地收尾了媒体。

  2)暗示“(用手)主宰,收尾”,英文诠释注解为“to control something using the hands”举个🌰:The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate. 轮椅想象得很容易用手收尾。


  📍rig暗示“(收受不方正的技能)主宰;对…作念手脚”,英文诠释注解为“to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed”举个🌰:He said the election had been rigged. 他说选举被东说念主主宰了。


  explicit /ɪkˈsplɪs.ɪt/ 1)暗示“清亮明白的;明确的;不污秽的”,英文诠释注解为“clear and exact”举个🌰:I gave her very explicit directions how to get here. 我明确地告诉她来这儿若何走。

  2)暗示“(描述性或暴力)赤裸裸的,露骨的”,英文诠释注解为“showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way”,如:a sexually explicit movie 有露骨性爱时局的电影。

  South Korean authorities on Wednesday began an investigation to tackle faked pornographic images after a massive network was uncovered—involving hundreds of victims, many of themminors. Therevelationreflected thescaleof the problem facing South Korea, which according to some researchers is the source for roughly half of so-called “deepfake” porn videos spread globally.



  minor /ˈmaɪnə/ 1)暗示“未成年东说念主”,英文诠释注解为“a person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions”

  2)暗示“辅修科目;辅修课程”,英文诠释注解为“a subject that you study at university in addition to your major”。


  revelation /ˌrev.əˈleɪ.ʃən/ 暗示“被暴露的事实;被泄露的机密;出人意外的事物,令东说念主惊喜的发现”,英文诠释注解为“A revelation is a surprising or interesting fact that is made known to people.”如:the seemingly everlasting revelations about his private life 关连他私生活的似乎永不息断的败露。

  📍词根“-ation”暗示“行径或经由”,前缀“revel-”(reveal, 揭示的变体,暗示揭露)。念念象你正在揭示一个机密,这即是“revelation”。

  📍come as/be a revelation暗示“让东说念主胡作非为;令东说念主修葺一新;出人意外地使东说念主惊喜”,英文诠释注解为“to be an extremely pleasant surprise”举个🌰:This book came as a complete revelation to me. 这本书使我大彻大悟。

  🎬 电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:And the stunning revelation that FBI agent Dylan Rhodes ... 还有惊天大揭露联调局特工迪伦·罗兹…



  scale /skeɪl/ 1)暗示“标度,刻度;等第”,英文诠释注解为“a set of numbers, amounts, etc., used to measure or compare the level of something”如:the Centigrade/Fahrenheit scale 摄氏/华氏温标。

  2)暗示“比例;比例尺”,英文诠释注解为“the relation between the real size of something and its size on a map, model, or diagram”如:a scale of 1:10,000 比例尺为1:10000。

  3)暗示“大小;畛域;范围”,英文诠释注解为“the size or level of something, especially when this is large”举个🌰:We don't yet know the scale of the problem. 咱们还不知说念问题有多严重。

  Many countries, including the U.S., areconfrontinga rise in AI-generated fake nudes targeting young women and girls.



  confront /kənˈfrʌnt/ 1)暗示“靠近(问题、任务、贫寒等)”,英文诠释注解为“If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it.”举个🌰:She was confronted with severe money problems. 她靠近严重的资金问题。

  2)暗示“正视(贫寒局面或问题)”,英文诠释注解为“If you confront a difficult situation or issue, you accept the fact that it exists and try to deal with it.”举个🌰:We are learning how to confront death. 咱们在学习如何正视亏空。

  The current protections in South Korea haven't kept pace with the threats posed by AI-generated sexualized content—much of which is created by teenagers or younger children, local officials said. The country's education ministry is reviewing the maximum punishment for middle-school-agedperpetrators, or those as young as 10 years old. Lawmakers are looking to close legalloopholes, such as widening current punishments beyond those who intentionallydisseminatetheillicitcontent.



  perpetrator /ˈpɜːrpətreɪtər/ 暗示“积恶者;违法者”,英文诠释注解为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”

  📺好意思剧《疑犯跟踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you. 但不管是受害东说念主照旧行凶者,惟有你的号码被列出来,咱们就会找到你。




  loophole /ˈluːp.həʊl/ 暗示“(契约或法律的)马虎,空子,破绽”,英文诠释注解为“a small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something”如:tax loopholes 税法的马虎。


  disseminate /dɪˈsɛmɪˌneɪt/ 暗示“散播;传播;宣传”,英文诠释注解为“To disseminate information or knowledge means to distribute it so that it reaches many people or organizations.”举个🌰:Their findings have been widely disseminated. 他们的参议效果依然广为传播。

  🎬电影《猖獗父母》(Mom and Dad)第五季中的台词提到:the last thing we want to do is disseminate any information 咱们要作念的终末一件事是传播信息


  🎬电影《好意思国队长3:英豪内战》(Captain America: Civil War)第五季中的台词提到:"To generate, disseminate..." and preserve knowledge. 生成、传播,保护学问。



  illicit /ɪˈlɪs.ɪt/ 暗示“监犯的;犯禁的;社会淆乱许的”,英文诠释注解为“illegal or disapproved of by society”如:illicit drugs such as cocaine and cannabis 可卡因和大麻之类的犯禁药物。

  “Deepfake videos may bedismissedas merepranks, but they are clearly criminal acts thatexploittechnology under theshieldof anonymity,” said South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, a formerprosecutor, at a Tuesday cabinet meeting. “Anyone can be a victim.”

  “可能有东说念主合计深度伪造视频仅仅单纯的开顽笑,但它们昭着是在匿名掩护下利用时刻的违法行径,”担任过稽查官的韩国总统尹锡悦(Yoon Suk Yeol)在周二的内阁会议上暗示。“任何东说念主王人可能是受害者。”


  dismiss /dɪˈsmɪs/ 1)暗示“对…不予快乐,遗弃,(从新脑中)去除”,英文诠释注解为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering”举个🌰:I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me. 我合计他和我碰面5分钟后就把我归入了傻瓜之列。

  2)暗示“撤职;免职;开除”,英文诠释注解为“to officially remove sb from their job”举个🌰:She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她宣称我方被乖张免职。

  3)暗示“(常指法官因左证不及而)驳回,不受理”,英文诠释注解为“When a judge dismisses a court case, he or she formally stops the trial, often because there is not enough proof that someone is guilty.”举个🌰:The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his client be dismissed. 辩白讼师肯求驳回对其交付东说念主的指控。


  prank /præŋk/ 暗示“瞎闹,打趣,开顽笑”,英文诠释注解为“a trick that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage”举个🌰:When I was at school we were always playing pranks on our teachers. 我念书时咱们老是搞开顽笑辱弄教师。

  📍此外,开顽笑,开打趣也不错说play jokes on someone.


  exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ 1)暗示“利用;克扣(…为我方营利)”,英文诠释注解为“to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself”举个🌰:He exploited his father's name to get himself a job. 他利用他父亲的名声为我方找到一份职责。

  2)暗示“诞生,欺骗;利用;进展”,英文诠释注解为“to use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possible”举个🌰:She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play. 她在剧中把她阿谁变装的幽默进展得大书特书。

  🎬电影《惊天魔盗团》(Now You See Me)中的台词提到:What I hate is people who exploit other people. 我仅仅敌对那些利用别东说念主的东说念主。


  作名词,暗示“不寻常的行径;果敢的行径;奇遇”,英文诠释注解为“something unusual, brave, or funny that someone has done”举个🌰:She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa. 她跟我表现了她在非洲各地旅游时的奇遇。


  shield /ʃiːld/ 作动词,1)暗示“保护”,英文诠释注解为“to protect someone or something”举个🌰:She held her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun. 她把手搭在眼睛上方以掩盖太阳。

  2)暗示“(足球)护球”,英文诠释注解为“in football, to keep your body between an opponent and the ball, with your back to the other player, to prevent them from getting the ball”举个🌰:We teach young players how to step in front of the defender and use their body to shield the ball. 咱们教年青队员如何插到对方扎眼队员前边并用躯壳护球。

  作名词,shield /ʃiːld/ 暗示“保护物,樊篱;保护者”,英文诠释注解为“something or someone used as protection or providing protection”举个🌰:Anger can function as a shield against (= a way of avoiding) even more painful emotions of loss and hurt. 震怒不错起到幸免愈加灾难的失意感和受伤害情怀的作用。


  prosecutor /ˈprɒs.ɪ.kjuː.tər/ 1)暗示“公诉东说念主;稽查官”,英文诠释注解为“a public official who charges sb officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court”,如:the public/state prosecutor 公诉东说念主;州稽查官。

  2)暗示“原告讼师;控方讼师”,英文诠释注解为“a lawyer who leads the case against a defendant in court”

  The scale and number of victims remains under investigation. Many of the Telegram groups were organized by school name or region to allow users to easily identify mutualacquaintancesand make fake nudes they could share. To gain entry, some users were required to provide photos of a woman, which were often lifted from a female classmate's social-media account, according to officials and activists. Communication in these Telegram group chats was conducted almost exclusively in Korean, suggesting anoverwhelmingmajority of members were local.



  acquaintance /əˈkweɪn.təns/ 暗示“领悟的东说念主,熟东说念主;泛泛之交”,英文诠释注解为“a person that you have met but do not know well”如:a business acquaintance 在贸易上打过交说念的东说念主。


  overwhelming /ˌəʊ.vəˈwel.mɪŋ/ 1)暗示“难以互异的;无法不屈的;强悍而令东说念主难以搪塞的”,英文诠释注解为“difficult to fight against”举个🌰:She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened. 她感到有一种扼制不住的冲动/逸想/需要念念告诉别东说念主所发生的事情。

  2)暗示“巨大的,极大的;(数目上)压倒性的”,英文诠释注解为“You can use overwhelming to emphasize that an amount or quantity is much greater than other amounts or quantities.”举个🌰:An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal. 绝大大王人的东说念主投票唱和该提倡。

  📍词根“whelm”暗示“合并”,前缀“over-”暗示“过度”。近义词:staggering(惊东说念主的),同根词:whelm(合并),常用短语:feel overwhelmed by something(被某事压垮)

  Public awarenessskyrocketedafter a Telegram group chat focused on one university became public earlier this month following a police investigation. It had been active since 2020 and included around 1,200 members, authorities said, sharing not only computer-generated sexualized images but other personal information, such as the subject's phone number, address and student ID number. Fake pornographic images of at least 30 current and former students had reportedly been shared in the group.



  skyrocket /ˈskaɪˌrɒk.ɪt/ 暗示“猛涨,飞涨”,英文诠释注解为“to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success”举个🌰:Housing prices have skyrocketed in recent months. 近几个月房价飞涨。

  Roughly 500 schools—from universities to elementary schools—may have been affected, according to one onlinetally compiledby volunteers who havecombedthrough the group chats. The website containing the list of schools has attracted about three million page views since going live on Tuesday.



  tally /ˈtæl.i/ 暗示“记录;积分表;账;计数”,英文诠释注解为“a record of the number or amount of sth, especially one that you can keep adding to”举个🌰:Make sure to keep a tally of the number of customers going in and out. 确保要记录下相差顾主的东说念主数。


  compile /kəmˈpaɪl/ 1)暗示“汇编;编纂;剪辑;编制”,英文诠释注解为“to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report, or list”举个🌰:We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject. 咱们正在为一部关连这个主题的记载片汇编贵府。

  2)暗示“编译(计较机挨次)”,英文诠释注解为“to change a computer program into a machine language”


  comb /kəʊm/ 1)暗示“梳,梳理(头发)”,英文诠释注解为“to pull a comb through your hair in order to make it neat”举个🌰:Don't forget to comb your hair! 别忘了梳一下头发!

  2)暗示“仔细搜索;搜寻”,英文诠释注解为“to search sth carefully in order to find sb/sth”举个🌰:The police combed the area for clues. 警员透顶搜索了阿谁地区以寻找踪影。

  🎬 电影《杰罗德游戏》(Gerald's Game)中的台词提到:That in all the reports, all the cops that combed through that house, they never found my wedding ring 在回报中,通盘警员把那幢屋子翻了底朝天 但他们从未找到我的成婚限制。


  🎬电影《刺杀本·拉登》(Zero Dark Thirty)中的台词提到:I painstakingly combed through everything in the system and found this. 我费了好大劲把系统通盘信息 梳理了一遍 找到了这个。


  The crackdown against faked pornographic images distributed on Telegram comes days after French authorities detained Pavel Durov, the messaging app's founder and chief executive. Prosecutors there said Durov's arrest was related to an investigation into whether Telegram is enabling online criminality, including the exchange of child pornography.

  在这次对Telegram上传播的假色情图片进行打击的几天前,法国政府部门拘留了这款即时通信应用的首创东说念主兼首席扩充官杜罗夫(Pavel Durov)。法国检方暗示,杜罗夫被捕与一项看望关连,该看望旨在查明Telegram是否生长了汇注违法行径,包括交换儿童色情实际。

  - 词汇盘货 -


  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

  In a sprawling labyrinth, anonymous hackers manipulated data, exploiting a minor loophole to disseminate explicit, illicit information. Prosecutors confronted the perpetrator, an acquaintance, as overwhelming evidence skyrocketed. Dismissing it as a prank, they compiled a tally, combing through to shield true exploits.

  - 保举阅读 -







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